Results for 'Oscar Van Heffen'

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  1.  64
    Cultural Theory Revised: Only Five Cultures or More?Pieter-Jan Klok Oscar van Heffen - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (3):289.
    This article deals with cultural theory in the version of Thompson, Ellis and Wildavsky. Cultural theory is important for research in the area of political and policy science because this theory has the pretension of pinning down endogenous preference formation. Using Durkheim's dimensions, ‘social integration’ and ‘regulation of the actions of individuals’, cultural theory distinguishes five ways of life or cultures, namely individualism, hierarchy, egalitarianism, fatalism and autonomy. The statement that there are only five ways of life is, however, the (...)
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    Ontwerpen van beleid en beleidsproblemen.Oscar Van Heffen - 1994 - Res Publica 36 (2):153-177.
    The main question of this article is : Which methods ofdesigning a policy are fit to solve or diminish complex and certain, complex and uncertain, simple and certain, simple and uncertain policy problems? On the basis of a contingency approach hypotheses are formulated with regard to this question. These hypotheses are confronted with the field of Dutch municipal policies for marginal adolescents.This study intends to point out:- that a diagnosis-modelfor designing a policy is appropriate to tackle complex and certain problems;- (...)
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    Cultural Theory Revised: Only Five Cultures or More?Oscar van Heffen & Steven Aschheim - 2003 - Contemporary Political Theory 2 (3):289-306.
    This article deals with cultural theory in the version of Thompson, Ellis and Wildavsky. Cultural theory is important for research in the area of political and policy science because this theory has the pretension of pinning down endogenous preference formation. Using Durkheim's dimensions, ‘social integration’ and ‘regulation of the actions of individuals’, cultural theory distinguishes five ways of life or cultures, namely individualism, hierarchy, egalitarianism, fatalism and autonomy. The statement that there are only five ways of life is, however, the (...)
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    Meeting report-BioComplexity and the essence of the living state.Oscar Somsen, Rienk van Grondelle & Hans Westerhoff - 1997 - Complexity 2 (5):3-4.
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  5. Some growth characteristics of a halophilic Chlamydomonas.Oscar W. Van Auken & Irvinc B. McNulty - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 312.
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    Explaining and analyzing audiences: A social cognitive approach to selectivity and media use.Alexander van Deursen, Christian von Criegern, Sven Jöckel, Matthias Rickes & Oscar Peters - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):279-308.
    This study explored LaRose and Eastin's model of media attendance, within a European context. It extended the uses and gratifications paradigm within the framework of social cognitive theory by instituting new operational measures of gratifications sought, reconstructed as outcome expectations. Although the model of media attendance offers some promising steps forward in measuring media selectivity and usage, and to some extent is applicable to another context of media use, the relative importance of outcome expectancies in explaining media usage and selectivity (...)
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    Mies van der RoheMarcel Breuer: Architect and DesignerThe Work of Oscar Niemeyer.Carl W. Condit, Philip C. Johnson, Peter Blake, Stamo Papadaki & Oscar Niemeyer - 1951 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 9 (4):342.
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    Methods of Logic. By W. Van Orman Quine. (Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1952. Pp. xv + 264. Price 16s.).Oscar Wood - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (113):180-.
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    Phenomenology as a Potential Methodology for Subjective Knowing in Science Education Research.Oscar Koopman - 2015 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 15 (1):1-10.
    This paper charts the journey that led to the author's discovery of phenomenology as a potential research methodology in the field of science education, and describes the impact on his own thinking and approach of his encounters with the work of Husserl and Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty and Van Manen. Drawing on this theoretical framework, the author argues that, as a methodology for investigating scientific thinking in relation to life experience, learning and curriculum design, phenomenology not only provides a means of accessing (...)
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    Los rasgos humanistas de Machado en Juan de Mairena.Óscar Barroso Fernández - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (51).
    Se presentan los rasgos de la actitud humanista de Machado atendiendo a cómo quedaron plasmados en _Juan de Mairena_, pero también a cómo van emergiendo en el resto de su obra. Machado no hace un tratamiento unitario de la temática humanista, sino que esta se halla dispersa por sus escritos. Por ello ha sido necesario fijar un criterio que ayude a decantar sus líneas fundamentales, subrayando aquellos rasgos que permiten mostrar cómo este humanismo se sitúa más allá de las críticas (...)
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    Teratologías. Figuraciones sirenaicas en la obra de Elizabeth chorubzik.Pablo Oscar Farneda - 2018 - Aisthesis 64:139-160.
    Este artículo aborda y analiza una serie de figuraciones vinculadas a la imagen de la sirena, plasmadas en algunas obras, performances y reflexiones de la artista argentina trans-feminista Effy Beth. Al ser exploradas, estas figuraciones dan cuenta de la experiencia singular de hacerse un cuerpo trans para la artista, con el cual constituir un territorio de existencia posible y habitable. La noción de monstruo se despliega en una serie de referencias que van desde la apropiación del término por parte de (...)
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  12. Disability or Extraordinary Talent—Francesco Lentini (Three Legs) Versus Oscar Pistorius (No Legs).Laurens Landeweerd & Ivo van Hilvoorde - 2008 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2 (2):97-111.
    It seems fairly straightforward to describe what should and should not count as a disability into two separate and opposing categories. In this paper we will challenge this assumption and critically reflect on the narrow relations between the concepts of 'talent' and 'disability'. We further relate such matters of terminology and classification to issues of justice in what is conceived of as disability sport. Do current systems of classification do justice to the performances of disabled athletes? Is the organisation of (...)
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  13. Neotestamentica et Patristica: Eine Freundesgabe, Herrn Professor Dr. Oscar Cullmann zu seinem 60.W. C. van Unnik - 1962
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  14. Las éticas centradas en el sufrimiento y sus implicaciones para el cuestionamiento del uso de los animales.Mat Rozas, Ángeles Cancino Rodezno & Oscar Horta - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 38 (99):81-97.
    En este artículo se explica en qué consisten las éticas centradas en el sufrimiento, presenta algunas de las principales razones a su favor y expone cuáles son sus implicaciones con respecto a la consideración moral de los animales. Se argumenta que conforme a estas éticas los usos como recursos de los animales lesivos para estos deberán ser rechazados. A continuación, se examinan las posiciones que aceptan el uso de los animales siempre que este tenga lugar reduciendo los daños infligidos a (...)
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    Be prestige-resilient! A contextual ethics of cultural identity.Paul Van Den Berg - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (2):197-214.
    This article proposes a new social- and moral-psychological understanding of cultural identity, tailored to the mixed multicultural contexts of every major city today. Seeking to protect vulnerable cultural groups, theories of multiculturalism have insufficiently assessed the psychological significance of intercultural social comparison, in identity-formation. While plays of prestige are a fact of life for immigrant and gay minorities, not everyone is equally able to cope with ascribed negative prestige. This is shown in an analysis of reactive attitudes towards negative prestige (...)
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    Oscar Delaive (1878-1964): apologie van het Duitse turnen en verwerping van de Zweedse gymnastiek in België.Jan Tolleneer - 1990 - Hermes 21 (1):91-105.
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    Oscar Hahn: “Enrique lihn no era un poeta maldito”¹ (entrevista).Andrés Florit Cento - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:191-200.
    El siguiente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar la mutua correspondencia entre experiencia e historicidad en la obra de Hans-Georg Gadamer. La experiencia es entendida como el movimiento fundamental de la existencia histórica, la que articula las diversas esferas de la acción humana. La experiencia hermenéutica pone de manifiesto que el comprender no puede fundarse en un procedimiento metódico, sino en la forma del existir situado en el mundo. El acto hermenéutico es entendido como un continuo proceso de apropiación, que se (...)
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  18.  18
    Auferstehung des Leibes - Unsterblichkeit der Seele.Godehard Brüntrup, Matthias Rugel & Maria Schwartz (eds.) - 2010 - Kohlhammer Verlag.
    Ein zentrales Thema des christlichen Glaubens wird in diesem Textbuch von fuhrenden zeitgenossischen Philosophen und Philosophinnen beleuchtet. In systematischer Anordnung werden neben deutschsprachigen "Klassikern" und neuen Originaltexten auch einige der einflussreichsten Autoren der angelsachsischen Debatte in Ubersetzung zuganglich gemacht. Auch diese von der analytischen Philosophie gepragten Texte wurden teilweise eigens fur diesen Band geschrieben oder uberarbeitet. Die Auseinandersetzungen im kontinentaleuropaischen protestantischen und katholischen Denken um Seele, Unsterblichkeit und leibliche Auferstehung in der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts werden hier auf lebendige und (...)
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    Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Nahen und Fernen Ostens Paul Kahle zum 60. Geburtstag überreicht von Freunden und Schülern aus dem Kreise des Orientalischen Seminars der Universität BonnStudien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Nahen und Fernen Ostens Paul Kahle zum 60. Geburtstag uberreicht von Freunden und Schulern aus dem Kreise des Orientalischen Seminars der Universitat Bonn. [REVIEW]James A. Montgomery, W. Heffening & W. Kirfel - 1935 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 55 (4):472.
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    Oscar Masotta: la teoría como acción = Theory as action.Oscar Masotta - 2017 - Ciudad de México: RM Editorial. Edited by Clara Bolívar Moguel.
    Oscar Masotta (Buenos Aires, 1930- Barcelona, 1979) is all but forgotten now, except perhapsin the field of Lacanian studies. This is because in the 1970s,Masotta would challenge the master psychoanalyst on hisown turf, creating his own post-Lacanian school of psychoanalysisin Barcelona. But in 1965, aged just 27, Masottataught at the University of Buenos Aires, lectured at theDi Tella, and edited a book series on communication andmedia. A product of the newly open post-Perón era." Page 91.. This is the first (...)
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  21.  33
    Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Sacred Values and Vulnerability to Violent Extremism.Clara Pretus, Nafees Hamid, Hammad Sheikh, Jeremy Ginges, Adolf Tobeña, Richard Davis, Oscar Vilarroya & Scott Atran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:413840.
    Violent extremism is often explicitly motivated by commitment to abstract ideals such as the nation or divine law – so-called “sacred” values that are relatively insensitive to material incentives and define our primary reference groups. Moreover, extreme pro-group behavior seems to intensify after social exclusion. This fMRI study explores underlying neural and behavioral relationships between sacred values, violent extremism, and social exclusion. Ethnographic fieldwork and psychological surveys were carried out among young men from a European Muslim community in neighborhoods in (...)
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  22.  34
    Ewald, Oscar. Kants kritischer Idealismus als Grundlage von Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik.Oscar Ewald - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  23.  3
    Dignity of older home-dwelling women nearing end-of-life: Informal caregivers’ perception.Katrine Staats, Ellen Karine Grov, Bettina S. Husebø & Oscar Tranvåg - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (3):444-456.
    Background: Most older people wish to live in the familiar surroundings of their own home until they die. Knowledge concerning dignity and dignity loss of home-dwelling older women living with incurable cancer should be a foundation for quality of care within municipal healthcare services. The informal caregivers of these women can help increase the understanding of sources related to dignity and dignity loss Aim: The aim of this study was to explore informal caregivers’ perceptions of sources related to dignity and (...)
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  24.  55
    Meister Eckhart and Jan Van Ruusbroec.Rik van Nieuwenhove - 1998 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 7 (2):157-193.
    Jan Van Ruusbroec (1293–1381), the most important spiritual writer of the Low Countries, is often associated (with or without some qualifications) with the tradition of the Rhineland Mystics, of which Meister Eckhart (c. 1260–1327) is the most prominent exponent.For instance O. Davies, The Rhineland Mystics: An anthology (London: SPCK, 1989); O. Davies, God Within: The mystical Tradition of Northern Europe (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1988). L. Cognet, Introduction aux mystiques rhéno- flamands (Paris: Desclée, 1968). To date however, an in-depth (...)
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    Authorship in manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: An author’s position and its value.Simona Pichini, Marta Pulido & Óscar García-Algar - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (2):173-175.
  26. De alchemie van de tijd.Greet van Thienen - 2024 - Borgerhout: Letterwerk.
    Greet Van Thienen vraagt zich af hoe we vrijheid kunnen vinden in de voortsnellende tijd. Wat is de alchemie van tijd en mens? Want hoewel tijd niet tastbaar is, drukt hij zich uit in alle levende wezens. Hoe werkt de tijd door ons heen? Wat kunnen wij ermee doen? Van Thienen onderneemt deze tijdreis samen met filosofen, schrijvers en wetenschappers die iets van het fenomeen tijd blootleggen. Denkers die aan bod komen zijn onder meer: Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Virgina Woolf, (...)
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    Over het belang van een politieke data-ethiek.Gijs van Maanen - 2021 - Krisis 41 (1):196-201.
    Recensie van Miriam Rasch Frictie: Ethiek in tijden van dataïsme. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij (2020).
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  28. Van gebroken orde naar herstelde fragmenten. Enkele bedenkingen bij Leo Apostels recente publicaties.Jean Van Bendegem - 1994 - de Uil Van Minerva 10.
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    Acreditación de programas de licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México.Alba Lucia Morales Alvarado, Óscar Pérez Veyna & Oralia Salcedo Triana - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-11.
    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los procesos de acreditación de programas de licenciatura en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), para identificar áreas de oportunidad para la consolidación del proceso y de los programas. El enfoque es cualitativo, la metodología utilizada fue la revisión de documentos institucionales y la realización de entrevistas semiestructuradas a exfuncionarios, las cuales se transcribieron, codificaron y analizaron con el software ATLAS.ti. Se concluye que la consolidación de procesos de acreditación en la UAZ es (...)
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    Examining Frailty Phenotype Dimensions in the Oldest Old.Sara Alves, Laetitia Teixeira, Oscar Ribeiro & Constança Paúl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Modernidades, legitimidad y sentido en América Latina: indagaciones sobre la obra de Gustavo Ortiz.Gustavo Roberto Cruz, Carlos Asselborn & Oscar Pacheco (eds.) - 2017 - Córdoba, República Argentina: EDUCC Editorial.
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    Diseño de un tanque de temple directo por medio de simulaciones en elementos finitos en Cosmosfloworks.Luís Carlos Flórez García, Oscar Fabián Higuera Cobos & José Luís Tristancho Reyes - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Chapter 5 Rapid Assessment Procedure as a tool for stakeholder needs analysis in development engineering projects.Casey Gibson, Jessica Smith, Juan Lucena, Kathleen Smits & Oscar Jaime Restrepo Baena - 2023 - In Robert Krueger, Yunus Telliel & Wole Soboyejo, Science, Engineering, and Sustainable Development: Cases in Planning, Health, Agriculture, and the Environment. De Gruyter. pp. 87-104.
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    Intelligent analysis and pattern recognition in cardiotocographic signals using a tightly coupled hybrid system.Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos & Oscar Fontenla-Romero - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 136 (1):1-27.
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  35.  22
    Das altere Mittelindisch im Uberblick.Stephanie W. Jamison & Oscar von Hinuber - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (2):467.
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  36. Comprensión y realidad. Zubiri ante el reto hermenéutico.Juan-Antonio Nicolás Marín & Oscar Barroso Fernández - 2005 - Endoxa 20:773-794.
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  37. La relatividad y los quanta.Oscar Miró Quesada de la Guerra - 1940 - [Santiago de Chile],: Zig-zag.
    Física mecanista y campo electromagnético.--La teoría de la relatividad.--La teoría de los quanta.
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    Comprensión y realidad. Zubiri ante el reto hermenéutico.Juan Antonio Nicolás Marín & Oscar Barroso Fernández - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (20):773.
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    Methodological strategy for the direction of the educational process for the development of intellectual skill modeling.Jorge Luis Orozco Pérez, Oscar Atiénzar Rodríguez & Maritza Cuenca Díaz - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):139-156.
    El artículo muestra una estrategia metodológica para garantizar la dirección del proceso educativo para el desarrollo de la habilidad intelectual modelación en los estudiantes; devela sus principales fundamentos epistémicos, sus etapas y acciones esenciales. Para ello se aplicaron métodos científicos de investigación. La constatación de los resultados brinda evidencias positivas acerca de su pertinencia, al considerar el carácter coparticipativo y coprotagónico que adquieren las influencias educativas en el contexto institucional en la dirección de un proceso educativo único. The article shows (...)
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  40. Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia.Edwin Muñoz Escobar & Oscar Posso Arboleda - 2019 - In Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz, Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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  41.  30
    Kroniek Van recente Nietzsche-literatuur (III).P. van Tongeren - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (1):97 - 210.
  42.  35
    Balans Van de twintigste-eeuwse wijsbegeerte. Of: Wat hebben wij in de vorige eeuw op filosofisch gebied geleerd?Koo van der Wal - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (4):661-683.
    Looking back at the twentieth century the question is what we have 'learned' in the field of philosophy in that century. In the case of philosophy 'learning' is understood as getting a more adequate insight into the frameworks in terms of which we spell our experience, in particular as getting an eye for aspects of it that were overlooked or insufficiently noticed in the philosophy of earlier periods. In that connection four themes are discussed: 1. subjectivity and inwardness, i.e. the (...)
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  43. Corijn van Mazijk (2021), De wereld als verschijning: fenomenologie en de twintigste eeuw.Jasper Van de Vijver - 2024 - In [no title]. pp. 418–421.
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    Kritiek Van de ethische rede.Henk van Luijk - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (1):46-74.
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    Van der Walt, B J - Naby God; Christen en kerk op die drampel van spiritualitelt.J. C. Van der Merwe - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (3/4).
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    Van Huyssteen, J W -Essays in Postfoundationalist Theology.G. M. J. Van Wyk - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (4).
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    Van Wyk, Schalk, 1998, - My Dominee is hopeloos.J. C. Van der Merwe - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (2/3).
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    El misterio latinoamericano.Ricardo Yocelevzky Retamal & Óscar Cuellar Saavedra - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    América Latina es un concepto, una construcción intelectual que intenta dar cuenta de un grupo de estados nacionales, variable en su composición pero con un núcleo estable, las ex colonias españolas y portuguesas del continente americano. Hoy no hay en América Latina un programa de desarrollo nacional alternativo a la integración al mundo capitalista global. Las experiencias nacionales que la izquierda dirige no constituyen una imagen como la que representó Cuba en los años sesenta, ni desde el punto de vista (...)
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    The Picture of Dorian Gray.Oscar Wilde - 2021 - New York, NY: Chartwell.
    Dorian Gray pays a hefty price for years of sin and vice in this completely unabridged edition of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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  50. Can Hinge Epistemology Close the Door on Epistemic Relativism?Oscar A. Piedrahita - 2021 - Synthese (1-2):1-27.
    I argue that a standard formulation of hinge epistemology is host to epistemic relativism and show that two leading hinge approaches (Coliva’s acceptance account and Pritchard’s nondoxastic account) are vulnerable to a form of incommensurability that leads to relativism. Building on both accounts, I introduce a new, minimally epistemic conception of hinges that avoids epistemic relativism and rationally resolves hinge disagreements. According to my proposed account, putative cases of epistemic incommensurability are rationally resolvable: hinges are propositions that are the objects (...)
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